Glass aspheric cylindrical lens are molded to convert a point spot into a line spot, or to change the height without changing the width. They are commonly used in laser line emitters to adjust image height or correct for dispersion in imaging systems.
Glass aspheric cylindrical lens are molded to convert a point spot into a line spot, or to change the height without changing the width. They are commonly used in laser line emitters to adjust image height or correct for dispersion in imaging systems.
非球柱面阵列透镜产品 Aspheric Cyline Array Lenses
项⽬ Specification |
⾼精度 High precision (mm) |
可接受按需设 计,来图定制 Customizeed products as your drawings and needs. |
尺⼨ φ Dimension |
≤100 | |
单个柱⾯宽度 φ Single cylinder width |
≥0.3 | |
能量分布均匀度 φ Energy distribution uniformity |
95% | |
镜⽚直径公差 TC Lens diameter tolerance |
±0.01 | |
中⼼厚度公差 TC Center thickness tolerance |
±0.01 | |
轮廓精度公差 PV Profile accuracy tolerance |
≥0.1um | |
光洁度 Smoothness |
≥40-20 |