The laser module offers high uniformity, stability, and low power consumption. It can be used flexibly in precision cutting, laser illumination, biomedical applications, and other fields.
The laser module offers high uniformity, stability, and low power consumption. It can be used flexibly in precision cutting, laser illumination, biomedical applications, and other fields.
面模组产品Surface Modules
型号 Model No. |
角度范围 Angle Range(mm) |
功率范围 Power bracket |
均匀度 Uniformity |
应⽤领域 Application |
GYSM | 20°〜60° | 0-100w | > 85% | 精密切割 Precision cutting 机器定位等 Machine positioning, etc. |
GYCEM | 5°〜45° | 激光照明 Laser illumination ⽣物医疗等 Biomedical, etc. |